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Happiness                                  Luke 碩士班二年級


Having studied at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC) for over a year, I would like to share with you my personal experience and observations in the hope that it will help you get a better idea of what it is like to study here.

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(本文作者已畢業,小編加註於 2013/1/1)

法鼓佛教學院 碩四  蘇文瑞 

I applied to the Master degree course in Buddhist study at the DDBC as a foreign student in March 2008, and was accepted in May 2008. As a foreign student, I need not sit for the entrance examination. The assessment of my acceptance was based on my undergraduate’s results, working experience, recommendation letters and study plan on my motivation and intention to study this course, as well as my future plan after I have graduated. 990210-3712.jpg

My goal to study Buddhism at the DDBC is to find a way to liberate myself from Sasāra(reincarnation), and at the same time help other Sentient beings to liberate from suffering. This seems to be a pretty big goal and may not be attainable during this life span. However, I try to learn as much as I can during this period of time in order to move forward and achieve my goal.

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法鼓佛教學院 畢業生 釋印隆



   印隆有一個已經寫了四年的Blog(http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/buddha-dharma),記錄著修行生活的點點滴滴,藉由這個天地,與大家在修行之路上一起分享與反省。在2007年12月9日,下定決心要考研究所時,印隆寫了一篇:「為什麼要念研究所」,因為有一些人問印隆說:「出家就出家了,好好修行就好了,為什麼想要去念研究所?」印隆回答:就是因為已經選擇出家了,這樣的決定才不是落在一般的名聞利養上(ex. 拿高學歷,賺大錢)。說真的,要名要利,以前在社會上很容易就達到了,不必到僧團還搞世俗名利之事。印隆可以一輩子青燈木魚,靜靜的修行,生活的很簡單,學位與否對於印隆根本不重要。但是就是因為在出家後,因為出家眾的身份,而更能了解信徒的需求,以及知道教界現在的需要,所以才決定再回到佛學研究這一條路。

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 法鼓佛教學院 碩一  Luke


Having studied at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC) for a couple of months, I would like to share with you my personal experience and observations in the hope that it will help you get a better idea of what it is like to study here. 

One of the most unique features of DDBC is its location next to the Dharma Drum Monastery on the slopes of the lushJinshan valley. This relative isolation from the hustle and bustle of the nearby Taipei urban center provides the students with a peaceful and quiet environment conductive to both diligent study and fruitful contemplative practice. Indeed, this unusual setting reflects DDBC's particular emphasis on the equal importance of academic study and spiritual practice, as students are enjoined to participate in regular meditation retreats as well as daily sittings. It is certainly this accent placed of the combination of intellectual study and personal practice which sets DDBC apart from other Buddhist studies departments or colleges. Hence,I would encourage future applicants to come to DBBC to experience the general atmosphere of the place and possibly take part in some of the meditation groups found in Taipei in order to facilitate their adjustment to the distinctive lifestyle one experiences here. 領角鴞980421-(40).jpg  

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法鼓佛教學院 碩四  郭捷立




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一個風和日麗的早午時分,藏傳組的師生在金山洋豆子咖啡館,一邊喝著咖啡嚐著天使蛋糕,一邊聊著藏傳組的課程的方向,廖老師、梅老師、和學生們的對話,談到法鼓山藏傳佛學組的發展願景; 可以提供給考生對有興趣選擇西藏佛學組參考,大致歸納在三個話題上: 

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法鼓佛教學院碩一  高秀朱



「向佛陀一問訊! 向聖嚴法師一問訊! 向老師一問訊!」「謝謝老師!」

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法鼓佛教學院碩一 釋長叡




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法鼓佛教學院碩一  演修




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